![]() The following information was derived from the book 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' written by Laurence Gardner I've only paraphrased the information. I would highly recommend getting the book yourself to get the whole story. Why Lies? Power. How can the Bishops and Popes control the force and direction of the church if Jesus and his bloodline are still around. As I will show you, Jesus didn't die on the cross and never told anyone he was immaculately conceived. I will also show you that he was married and had three children. Jesus went off to Crete and Malta with the Luke. Mary with her girlfriends moved to France with James to follow later. Their bloodline started the Fisher-Kings and later the Merovingian line. I will also show you the actual family tree of Jesus and James (Joseph of Arimathea) The Beginning Moses / Akhenaten - Moses was actually half Jew and half Egyptian. To get a clearer picture let's back up a little. The chief minister of Egypt before Moses was born was Joseph, also known as Yuya (his Egyptian name). The Pharaoh was Tuthmosis IV (c. 1413-1405 BC). When Tuthmosis died his son married his sister Sitamun to inherit the throne as Amenhotep III. He also later, married Tiye ,the daughter of Joseph/Yuya, because his sister did not produce an heir. It was declared that no son of Tiye could be Pharaoh because they were afraid of the Israelites having too much power in Egypt. When Tye became pregnant the edict was given that if it was a son he should be killed. So like the Christian story goes she sent him down the stream to stay with her Jewish family Levi. This Boy's name was Aminadab born around 1394 BC and was educated by the Priest of RA. During this time his mother became more influential in Egypt then the Queen Sitamun. Sitamun only produced a daughter Nefertiti. Aminadab/Moses couldn't abide by the Egyptian gods and preferred the Hebrew god Aten. Aminadab changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of Aten). Meanwhile Pharaoh Amenhotep was dying and because there was no direct male heir to the royal house, Akhenaten/Moses married his half-sister Nefertiti in order to rule as Pharaoh. Moses was officially called Amenhotep IV. While he was Pharaoh Moses closed down all the old temples and created temples to his god Aten. Because of this he was very unpopular and the people started to hate him and even tried to kill him. Finally he abdicated the throne to his cousin Smenkhkare and then later Moses' son Tutankhamun (King Tut) became Pharaoh . Moses was banished from Egypt, so he took all his supporters along with the Jews and went to mount Sinai. Splitting the Red Sea? - When Moses was leaving Egypt he and his followers left on foot. Later some Egyptians pursued him on horseback. Moses' group traveled through very marshy ground that was tough on foot but the horses sank to their deaths in the mud. Ishtar The original Judaism wasn't so male dominated. Originally the primary deity was named Ashtoreth. She was equivalent to Ishtar, the major goddess of Mesopotamia. The Holy of Holies was deemed to represent the Womb of Ashtoreth or Asherah as mentioned in the Old Testament. She was the wife of El, the supreme male deity and together they were the divine couple. Their daughter was Anath, Queen of the heavens and their son was called He. Jehovah The name Jehovah is a late and somewhat Anglicized translation of Yahweh, which is a form of the four consonants of the Hebrew YHWH. Y represents El the father, H was Asherah the mother, W was He the son and H was the daughter Anath. The idea of a one god did not occur to the Jews until 70 years after their captivity in Babylon, where most of the Old Testament was written. Babylon Since most of the Old Testament was written in Babylon a lot of the Sumerian and Mesopotamian stories were added to the Jewish tradition, including the Garden of Eden, the flood, the Tower of Babel, Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel. These stories were never actually written by Moses. Messiah The word Messiah stems from an Egyptian word Messeh meaning Crocodile. The Egyptians believed that fat from the crocodile represented fertility, so they would put this fat on their Pharaohs to insure an heir to the throne would be born. The Hebrews had a word called maisach, which meant to anoint. The word Messiah means Anointed One. The only real significance to this word was that because he was anointed with crocodile fat his chance of producing an heir was heightened. Dead Sea Scrolls The scrolls found at Qumran and Murabba wrote about traditions from 250BC. By the time the Jews, Christians and Romans had a vested interest in reinventing history, they had forgotten most of the old traditions. Because of these memory lapses we can use the information in the dead sea scrolls to put together the Real Truth about the beginning of Christendom. The liars of the past can't compete with the scientists and scholars of today. Copper scrolls The Copper scrolls list an inventory and give the locations for the treasures of Jerusalem and the Kedron Valley cemetery. War scrolls The War Scrolls contain a full account of military tactics and strategy. Manual of disciplines This manual details law and legal practice along with customary ritual, and describes the importance of a designated council of twelve to preserve the faith of the land. Habakkuk Pesher This gives a commentary on the contemporary personalities and important developments of the era. Isaiah This is the oldest and most complete draft of Isaiah from the Bible which, at more then 30 feet in length, is the longest scroll and is centuries older than any other known copy of that Old Testament Book. Nag Hammadi library These 13 leather bound books contain Gospels extracted for inclusion in the New Testament. Some of these books describe a world in which Jesus gives his own account of his own Crucifixion, and in which his relationship with Mary Magdalene is greatly expanded on including their marriage. Qumran's Secret code Because the Romans were persecuting the Jews and Christians, they needed to create a code so they could minimize the risk of inciting their wrath. This was called Eschatological Knowledge, a form of coded representation that used traditional words and passages to which were attributed special meanings relevant to contemporary understanding. Those who knew the code understood these meanings. These people were known as the Essenes. These were words for those with ears to hear. Some of the words and their translations are as follows. Poor = Initiates of the higher echelons of the community, and who on that account had been obliged to give up their property and worldly possessions. Kittim = Romans Babylon = Rome Word of God = Jesus The lion = Roman Emperor Many = Head of celibate community Crowd = Regional Tetrarch (Governor) Multitude = Governing Council Children = Novices within the religious establishment Way = Doctrinal theme of the community Children of light = Followers of the principles of the way Lepers = Those who had not been initiated into the higher community or had been denounced by it. Blind = Those not party to the way Raised from the Dead = Release from excommunication Unclean = Uncircumcised Gentiles Sick = Those in public or clerical disgrace Light = The doctrine which the community regarded as its guiding message Father = Supreme in the clerical patriarchy Son = deputy of the father Spirit = deputy of the father Corrupted translations Some of the actual definitions that we take for granted in modern times actually had much different meanings at the time of the writing of the old and new testaments. The Romans actually corrupted these meanings to further control the people by use of fear and damnation. It worked great for 2000 years but it was all based on lies of power hungry Romans. Some of their true definitions are as follows: Angel = Officer of the community Prince of Light = The Zadokite(father see above) priest. Prince of Darkness = Chief of the Scribes, to test female initiates for celibacy, his Hebrew title was Satan in Greek he was called Diabolos Armageddon = Har Megiddo or The heights of Megiddo. A historically important Palestinian battlefield where a military fortress guarded the plains of Jezreel, south of the Galilean hills. Roman Occupation During Jesus' time the Jews of Judea were in revolt against their Roman Occupiers and were being crucified in their thousands. The writers of the gospels therefore had to be very careful how they present their work. Their goal was to spread the good news not the reason for their condemnation. If you had the ears to hear however, you could derive the Virgin Birth ? Gospels - Because the Gospels conflict or don't coincide with each other, students are simply told that the Bible says this or the Bible says that. When being taught about the virgin birth they are directed to Matthew and Luke. When being taught about other aspects they are directed to the Gospel or Gospels concerned - as if they were all intended to be constituent chapters of the same overall work - which of course they were not. The immaculate conception was not included into Catholic dogma until 1958!! Children are taught a tale that has been altogether smoothed over; a tale that extracts the most entertaining features from each gospel into a single embellished story that was never written by anyone. Mark (Matthew & Luke) - Mark's Gospel was the first, written about 66AD and Matthew and Luke were based on the writings of Mark. These gospels are called the Synoptic Gospels. The main difference between Mark and the other two is he never mentions the Virgin Birth once. The latter two were just expanded stories created from Mark the original. Matthew says Mary was a virgin and Markdoes not. Luke is the only one mentioning the manger. Not one gospel even gives the vaguest notion of a stable where the birth supposedly took place. John - John's gospel was written of a completely different style and was actually written by John Mark(Acts 12:12) and Philip the evangelist. This gospel has its own following of believers. John never mentions a Virgin Birth even once. Virgin - The Semitic word translated as virgin is almah, which actually means 'young woman'. The Hebrew word denoting a physical 'virgin' is bethulah. The Latin word virgo means unmarried, to imply the English connotations of 'virgin' the Latin word had to be qualified by a further adjective (intacta) denoting sexual inexperience. To have control on the messianic bloodline the marriage practices of heirs to the throne were very specific. The dynastic rulers were to be married in September but not allowed to have sexual relations for 3 months and then only in the first half of the month. This was to ensure that any resultant messianic birth occurred in the Atonement month of September. If the bride did not conceive, intimate relations were suspended until the next December and so on. During the period of celibacy between September and December the bride was known as an Almah. Mary became pregnant during her supposed celibate period which was against the rules. To insure the status of her unborn child as an heir to the throne she needed consent from 'the Angel Gabriel'. This is known as the 'Annunciation' but it was more of an act of sanctioning than announcing. Who 'the Gabriel' and 'the Michael' are is explained later. The mistranslation of 'Almah' has led people to incorrectly believe that she was a true virgin. The Catholics later extended the false assumption to insure their control of the Christian power. How can there be a bloodline when there was no true earthly father and the son was crucified? The Catholics even go so far as to say that she remained a virgin when even the gospels refer to Jesus' brothers James, Joses, Simon and Judas. Matthew 13:56 and Mark 6:3 both indicates that Jesus also had sisters. The Catholics didn't do their homework when trying to erase the Bloodline of Jesus, simple. Nazarene / Nazareth The scriptures say that Jesus was a Nazarene but this does not mean that he came from Nazareth. Although Luke 2:39 implies that Joseph's family came from Nazareth, the term Nazarite or Nazarine meant the sect he followed not the town. The Islamic Koran refers to Christians as Nasara or Nazara. The modern Arabic name for Christians is Nasrani. These words come from the Hebrew word Nozrim, a plural noun stemming from the term Nazrie ha-brit or 'Keepers of the covenant'. At Jesus' time, Nazareth does not appear on contemporary maps, books, documents, chronicles or military records, of either Roman or of local compilation. Even St. Paul makes no allusion to Nazareth. This being the case, every reference to 'Nazareth' in English translations of the gospels must be regarded as incorrect. This stems from the misunderstanding of the word Nazarene. Michael / Gabriel The Hebrews from David on, used names from the Old Testament as titles for ranking people within their governing structure. The highest-ranking angel's title was Michael the archangel. The second highest-ranking title was Gabriel the deputy to Michael . Annunciation When Mary became pregnant during her supposed celibate period between September and December, she needed sanctioning by Gabriel to confirm her child's heredity to the throne. Jesus' real birthday Sunday March 1st 7BC The Jews officially changed his birthday to September 15th to coincide with their law. Constantine the Great changed it again to December 25th to coincide with a popular pagan holiday. Lost Gospels There were three gospels that were not included for the New Testament they were not actually lost. Their names were Thomas, Philip and Mary (Magdalene). These were found among the Nag Hammadi Codices. These gospels don't hide the fact that Joseph was the REAL father and that anyone saying that Jesus was born from the Holy spirit didn't know what they were saying. Jesus descendant of David Son of God - In numerous references in the New Testament Jesus is referred to as the seed of David (Roman 1:3-4). How can he be both the 'seed of David' AND the Son of God immaculately conceived? Get it straight boys!. Son of Man - Jesus was in the Davidic Dynastic line that was not attached to the priesthood at all. Such rights were restricted to the line of Aaron and the tribe of Levi. Instead, the Davidic heir ,at this time Jesus, had a lay attachment to the hierarchy as a spiritual son of the angel Gabriel. The name Gabriel meant 'man of God' (Hebrew Gebri-El). Thus, Jesus was the Son of Man(of God) Rightful heir - Because of the untimely pregnancy of Mary there was a big controversy on whether Jesus was actually legitimate. That is why they had to go to the Gabriel (Simon) for legitimizing under the law (Luke 2:25-35) Despite this endeavor by the parents, Jesus evoked a mixed response and the Jews were polarized in two opposing camps on the subject of his lawful status in the kingly line. Six years later James had been born within all the rules of dynastic wedlock, and there was no disputing his legitimacy. Each opposing faction thus had a prospective Messiah to support. Hellenists The Hellenist Jews were westernized Jews and believed Jesus was the rightful Christ (Greek, Christos 'King'). The Hellinists became organized with Jesus and they believed anyone could join even if they weren't Jewish. The Hebrews hated Jesus for this. The reason Jesus wanted Gentiles to be able to join is because he knew there wasn't enough Jews to fight Rome and he needed everyone he could get. The Davidic King's job was to champion the people. Later this became known as 'The Grail Code' Hebrews Orthodox Jews believed that the rightful king was James, Jesus' brother Fisher-King Up till the time of Jesus, the kings had no priestly position at all. For Jesus' plan to work he needed to be both Priest and King. The Jewish name for the Zadokite priests were 'fisher' so Fisher-King meant 'Priest King' John the Baptist John the Baptist was the 'Fisher' of Jesus' time. The Jewish Kings were allied with the Zadokite Priest just like Moses. John the Baptist baptized Jesus, however he followed the Hebrew persuasion and believed James was the rightful heir. Because John was such a recluse he was only partly supported. James (Joseph of Arimathea) James was the recognized heir, but he was not motivated to rule and secretly followed Jesus The Apostles - Armed inner circle Simon Magus (Zelotes) - The first apostle. He played many important roles in early Christianity. Because of his actions he was excommunicated from the community. His name was mistranslated often. Some of his names in the new testament were Lazarus or Simon the Leper, while he was temporarily excommunicated from the community. Jesus later returned him to the community, known as a resurrection. He was also known as Simon Zelotes. Judas Iscariot - Organizer of the Dead Sea scrolls at Qumran. Judas was the second most important apostle next to Simon. Thaddaeus - He was the deputy to the father Simon Zelotes or otherwise known as the son of the father. The Hebrew word for son is bar and the Hebrew word for father is abba. Put the two words together and you get barabba. Thaddaeus was the guy that Pontius Pilate released from crucifixion instead of Jesus. Philip & Thomas - Their gospels were found in the Dead Sea scrolls, and disproved much of the Catholic dogma. Bartholomew, James & Matthew - Important in various villages of the community. Simon (Peter) & Andrew - Often thought as the most prominent of the apostles, however they were just ordinary villagers. The reason the Gospels place their names first is because they knew the Romans would read it and select the first of the list to persecute. Simon and Andrew were the most expendable. Simon(peter) started the Catholic religion and he was known as an extreme hater of women, which later was exemplified in the actions of the Catholic Church. The Miracles? Loaves & Fishes - A 'Fisher' was the priest who baptized gentiles. 'Fishermen' were the ones who hauled the 'Fishes' out of the Water in their nets to be blessed by the 'Fisher'. 'Fishes' were gentiles wishing to be baptized. 'Loaves' were Jews applying for priesthood waiting to become 'Bread'. When Jesus made his concession to the Ham fraternity, (known figuratively as 'the five thousand') ,he allowed them symbolic access to the ministry by serving them the 'five loaves and two fishes' of the Jewish priestly candidates (Mark 6:34-44) In other words with 'five loaves and two fishes' he turned the five thousand into Loaves and Fishes. Very controversial actions for a King but definitely no miracle. In a separate episode known as 'The feeding of the four thousand', the seven 'loaves' of the senior priests were proffered by Jesus to the uncircumcised 'multitude' of Shem. There again with 7 loaves he created 4000 'Loaves'. Very simple, but again, no miracle. Walk on Water - After the 'Fishes' were hauled on to the boats by the 'fishermen' to be blessed by the 'fisher', the 'Fisher' would leave the shore and walk along the jetty to the boats, known as 'walking on the water'. Born in the tribe of Judah, not of Levi, Jesus had no authority as a baptismal priest but he nonetheless presumed to disregard the establishment and to usurp a priestly entitlement by 'walking on the sea' to the disciples boat (Matthew 14:25-26). He even tempted Peter to do the same, but Peter was afraid to because of his fear of sinking beneath legal reprisals (Matthew 14:28-31). Nice try again but no miracle here. Lazarus back from the dead - Simon Zelotes revolted against the governor of Judea, Pontias Pilate under the pretext that Pilate was using public funds to have his own water supply improved. The revolt failed and Simon was excommunicated by edict of King Herod-Agrippa. Under the law excommunication was to be regarded as spiritual execution by decree. This procedure took 4 days to complete. In the meantime, the excommunicate was dressed in a shroud and put away and held to be 'sick unto death' if he was not reprieved (raised) by the third day then he would be forever condemned (lost to death). Jesus decided to presume a priestly function and perform the release. In so doing he confirmed the 'spiritually dead' Simon's rank as that of Abraham's Steward, Eliezer (corrupted in the gospels to Lazarus), and summoned him, under that distinguished name, to 'come forth' from Abraham's Bosom, which was the patrimonial burial ground at Qumran where he was incarcerated. When you were excommunicated and of high-rank the 4 day waiting period was to be held there. Because Jesus was not a priest the people said it was a miracle that he had the authority to do that. Now doesn't that make a lot more sense then the Catholic dogma? If the Catholics remembered their own history they could have hid this fact a little better. Water to Wine - This little story is easily explained and lets the cat out of the bag about Jesus actually being married. The customs at the time of Jesus was at a wedding to let only fully initiated celibates (presided over by a priest) to partake of wine. All others present were regarded as unsanctified and were restricted to drinking water. These included married men, novices, Gentiles, and all lay Jews. The great significance of Jesus' actions was that he decided to break with tradition and abandon the water entirely and allow the 'unclean' guests to take the sacred wine. Water to wine, simple. At a wedding the only person with authority to order the servants to serve wine instead of water would be the groom and definitely no one else. How could he order the servants without being the groom. The gospel 'Thomas' found with the Dead Sea Scrolls' talks openly about his marriage to Mary Magdalene. Jesus Married? The Catholics want to remove any notion that Jesus was married and that Mary Magdalene had any kids because it takes away their control of Christianity. The Catholics wanted to name the rulers not the bloodline of Jesus. The Catholics did a pretty good job of hiding this fact but just like in previous examples they forgot their own history and let the clues remain even in the current New Testament. One very important fact was it was a law since David that all davidic heirs MUST be married by law so as to continue the bloodline, there was no exception and Jesus firmly believed as did others, that he was a direct descendant of Abraham, David etc.. He was also required to sire at least two sons. If he was not married he could not become king, period. In Matthew 26:6-7 and Mark 14:3, Mary of Bethany, who poured a precious boxful of spikenard over his head, anointed Jesus. In the Old Testament 'The song of Solomon' identifies the potion symbolic of espousal as being 'spikenard'. In John 11:1-2, John explains how the ritual of anointing Jesus' feet was performed yet again by the same woman of Bethany. Mary took a pound of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was full with the odor of the ointment, (John 12:3) The same actions explained in the 'Song of Solomon' from the Old Testament. This is an allusion to the ancient rite by which the royal bride prepared her bridegroom's table. To perform the rite with spikenard was the express privilege of a Messianic bride, and was performed solely at the first marriage and second marriage ceremonies. Only as the full wife of Jesus and as a priestess in her own right, could Mary have anointed both his head and feet with the sacred ointment. Gregory I, Bishop of Rome 590-604 and St. Bernard, the Cistercian Abbot of Clairvaux 1090-1153, both confirm that Mary of Bethany was synonymous with Mary Magdalene. When the Catholics were deciding what to remove from the Gospels in order to hide the fact that Jesus was married they forgot the most important facts of Jewish customs. The original Catholics had no memory of their own history once again. Crucifixion? The Three on the Crosses - The three on the cross were Judas Iscariot, Simone Cyrene and Jesus. Judas was already a wanted man for the Jewish uprising that caused Simon Zelotes to be excommunicated. Simon Cyrene carried the cross for Jesus (Matthew 27:32) and then secretly changed places with Simon Zelotes while the crosses were being erected. Simon Zelotes , meanwhile was preparing the 'Vinegar and Gall' (Matthew 27:34) mixture to be given to Jesus to put him in a coma to fake his death. Gall is snake venom. After he was announced dead by the Roman Guard they pierced his side with a spear, and the fact that he bled was held to indicate that he was dead (John 19:34). In reality, vascular bleeding indicates that a body is alive not dead. Having been on the crosses for less then a day all three were taken down as confirmed in John 19:31. This account never states that the men were dead. The average stay on the cross was 7 days, the point was to prolong the agony as long as possible. James(Joseph of Arimathea) called in a few favors to have them brought down so as not to have anybody wrotting on the cross during the passover. Paul's Myths St. Paul was considered a heretical fanatic by Jesus' brother James, whose Nazarenes never preached the resurrection. Paul was a devoted Hebrew speaking out against Jesus at every turn. When Jesus finally confronted Paul he converted and became a hellinist. Jesus gave him the duty of converting as many of the heathens in other areas as possible to help build their army. Paul when confronted with outrageous religions from other lands started making up extreme tales to compete with these other religions. Jesus and James went to Rome only once to tell Paul to lay off the heretical stories but by this time he had grown mad with his own fables and began to actually believe them. Jesus and James gave up trying to get Paul back to reality and James moved to the south of France near present day Marseilles to continue their Nazarene church and traditions. Jesus had a relationship with a lady named Lydia and moved to Crete and Malta. Jesus' and James' Family Instead of going down the list I've included a family tree starting with Jesus and James. This was provided by the author of the book that most of the previous facts were derived. ![]() |